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Escape stairs high buildings

Cầu thang thoát hiểm (Fire-escape) là một yếu tố không thể thiếu trong việc thiết kế và xây dựng các tòa nhà cao tầng, nhằm sử dụng thoát thân cho những trường hợp khẩn cấp và nguy hiểm như: Hỏa hoạn, cháy, nổ…

Stairs escape high buildings in addition to the main effect is to create safety for users when up and down, Stairs are designed in harmony with the space of the house will create grace, luxury for the house .

Stairs escape high buildings in addition to the main effect is to create safety for users when up and down, Stairs are designed in harmony with the space of the house will create grace, luxury for the house .


The escape stairs outside the house not only create a sense of security when fire, fire and explosion, but it also works to highlight the house, making the house more stable, in addition to iron stairs It is not only beautiful but also has great economic benefits, because it saves space and lower value when applied by concrete.

+84 978 129 005